Join Ananda Mondays starting in June @earthmanfarmorg at 7p
Breath is our life force. It connects us to the deepest part of ourselves. Breath is there for us, whether we're conscious of it or not—but if we learn to access the breath and become more aware of it, we can use it as a human superpower. Breathe in conscious ways to optimize your well-being.
Ananda will guide you through this simple technique of Breathwork, allowing you to discover a deep connection between breath, mind, body, and soul.
Benefits to Conscious Connected Breathing: regulating nervous system, increase physical performance, sleep better, work through trauma, stress, addiction, depression and chronic pain. Breath will increase self-esteem, self-awareness, boosting creativity, and have a clearer mind.
Tap into your internal yearning for life, allow breath to take you beyond your self limits. Improve your energy with this powerful tool.
Ananda will also orchestrate an immersive soothing sound Bath with healing vibrations that fill the room and body, leading you into deep relaxation and having an unique transformative experience